Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Government can lick my foot....

Just a brief rant.
I think.
For reasons I have yet to determine, the Indiana state Government has denied my unemployment benefits.
No warning. No explanation. Just gone.
Do they know or even CARE about the problems they have caused me?
Never mind, don't answer that, I know.....
I just wish I knew WHY.
Was it because I was dumb enough to be honest and tell them about my passing a course to become an Ordained Pets and Animals Minister?
I would LIKE to think my religion would NOT get in the way, but...this IS the government we are talking about!
It is a FREE course! Fine, it will not immediately (or maybe NEVER) translate to $$$$.
Does EVERYTHING I do have to mean $$$$? No personal enrichment? No ministry?
I took it because my church, Unidiversal Charismatic Christian Faith and Diversity Evangelism ( ), hopes to get to full-on Pets and Animals Ministry going.
We want to help elderly/disabled/low income people get nutrious food for their pets. Take the pets to the vet for vaccinations (NOT me), assist in their daily care if needed, and hopefully set-up a FREE Spay/Neuter Clinic.
I know this is a dream of the future...but I do hope I am not being punished for preparing for the future.
We also had to take an assessment test for unemployment.
Lets just say that beyond the basic Add/Subtract/Multiply/ math skills are....lacking.
I failed the Math portion.
Look, I do not WANT a job with Math involved, okay?
I also declined an offer to work in a Commission only Insurance Sales job. Selling Insurance? For Commission?
I could make better money as a stripper!!! (Where they would pay me to "Put it ON, for the love of GOD! Get DRESSED already....My eyes, my eyes...!"..)
I am just so frustraited with the "system" right now!
Of course, I can't get any answers, yet.
If you hear about some weird woman with red and purple hair setting fire to an Indiana unemployment office.....could you stop by and help my husband with our animals?
He's gonna need it.