Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Government can lick my foot....

Just a brief rant.
I think.
For reasons I have yet to determine, the Indiana state Government has denied my unemployment benefits.
No warning. No explanation. Just gone.
Do they know or even CARE about the problems they have caused me?
Never mind, don't answer that, I know.....
I just wish I knew WHY.
Was it because I was dumb enough to be honest and tell them about my passing a course to become an Ordained Pets and Animals Minister?
I would LIKE to think my religion would NOT get in the way, but...this IS the government we are talking about!
It is a FREE course! Fine, it will not immediately (or maybe NEVER) translate to $$$$.
Does EVERYTHING I do have to mean $$$$? No personal enrichment? No ministry?
I took it because my church, Unidiversal Charismatic Christian Faith and Diversity Evangelism ( ), hopes to get to full-on Pets and Animals Ministry going.
We want to help elderly/disabled/low income people get nutrious food for their pets. Take the pets to the vet for vaccinations (NOT me), assist in their daily care if needed, and hopefully set-up a FREE Spay/Neuter Clinic.
I know this is a dream of the future...but I do hope I am not being punished for preparing for the future.
We also had to take an assessment test for unemployment.
Lets just say that beyond the basic Add/Subtract/Multiply/ math skills are....lacking.
I failed the Math portion.
Look, I do not WANT a job with Math involved, okay?
I also declined an offer to work in a Commission only Insurance Sales job. Selling Insurance? For Commission?
I could make better money as a stripper!!! (Where they would pay me to "Put it ON, for the love of GOD! Get DRESSED already....My eyes, my eyes...!"..)
I am just so frustraited with the "system" right now!
Of course, I can't get any answers, yet.
If you hear about some weird woman with red and purple hair setting fire to an Indiana unemployment office.....could you stop by and help my husband with our animals?
He's gonna need it.

Travis...The Chimp...

No, this is NOT about my HUSBAND Travis...although he can be a bit "chimp-like" at times.....

This is about the teenage Chimp, named Travis (ironic), that was recently killed by the police for mauling a friend of his Human Mommy.

From what I understand, Travis was not "just" a pet, he was this woman's son. She taught him to dress himself. He could use the bathroom on his own. Ate fine foods at the table. Drank his wine from a long-stemmed glass. Surfed the Web (for what....ummm...not sure, but hey, why not?).

I started writing this post right after the whole bit was in the news. For some reason, if felt to soon for me, like I needed to let it all "settle" in my mind.

Now, the "odd" parts of this woman's relationship with Travis, her chimp-son. They cuddled to gether and slept in the same bed.
Now, I gotta be honest, 2 of our dogs and one of our cats sleep in our bad every night. I actually sleep BETTER with them there. So, to ME, this sleeping with a monkey in your bed doesn't seem that weird. Whatever.

She apparently bathed with him.
Okay, THIS I do find a bit,,,wierd. I mean, when I bathe my dogs I DO get a bath in the process....but...not the same thing. I dunno....jury is still out on that, I guess.

I won't belabor the details, I'm sure most of you heard ENOUGH of it already.
Basically, Travis freaked out for some unknown reason and attacked a friend of his mommy's. Someone he apparently knew and otherwise liked.
The police had to be called, and Travis was shot dead.

Now, I don't know about you, but if one of my dogs attacked someone, and I couldn't stop them, and had to watch the police gun down MY would not be a good thing.
This is just ME, mind you, but I can tell you right now, it's something I would NEVER get over. That image would haunt me for the rest of my life. Every. Single. Day.
I don't think there's enough drugs in the WORLD that would help get me over THAT situation.
It really made me angry, the jokes at the woman's expense.
At Travis' expense.
I don't care how odd/freaky the relationship was, the poor old widow (she was in her 70's) just watched her son, her baby, her LIFE gunned down in front of her!!!!!!!!

Cripes! Do people have NO compassion for ANYTHING they don't understand?

I'm not going to get into the debate over whether or not apes should be kept as pets, wild animals in the home, ect.
I'm no expert on that, so I just can't go there.
Regardless, she loved Travis. He loved her. It appears she took good care of him. She watched him die, violently. Just leave the poor woman alone.
She's suffered enough, don't you think?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I don't get it....

I recently read that several people, in Japan I believe, became very sick after eating Blowfish Testicles that were not properly prepared.
Apparently Blowfish is poisionous if not cooked correctly. You even need a special liscence to prepare it in Japan.
What I don't get, is why on EARTH would ANYONE want to eat testicles??? "properly prepared" or not!
And I didn't even know Blowfish HAD testcles! And they are big enough to eat? Weird.
"Rocky Mountain Oysters" I have heard of, but I don't get that either. They're TESTICLES people! I don't think that part of the body was ment to be sauteed in butter or breaded and fried.
Okay gentlemen, stop for a second and take a peek at your OWN testicles. Go ahead, I'll wait....

Now, imagine lopping them off, tossing them into a frying pan and serving them with a side of greens.
Does that sound Yummy to you? Really?
Granted, I have been a Vegetarian since about 1983/1984, so I don't much get the appeal of ANY meat.
But testicles? How HUNGRY would a person have to be!?!?!
Don't they have a McDonald's in Japan? A pizza place? Heck, SUSHI sounds as lovely as chocolate cake next to the idea of eating fish testicles!
And no, I don't get the appeal of Caviar either. Little black fish eggs....ewwww.

So there you go. If you plan on inviting me to a dinner party any time soon....PLEASE do not serve testicles.
I don't think there is enough ketchup in the WORLD to fix THAT dish!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

More Random Rants...

As many of you know, some woman who already had 6 children had invitro-fertilization/eggs-planted/some-weird-crap so she could give birth to EIGHT MORE FREAKIN-BABIES!!!!!
So now this chic, who is younger than me, has FOURTEEN kids...under the age of seven....!!!!!
Look, I do not have any "human" children for a reason...I do not want them.
Kids are GREAT! Cute! Sweet! Funny!........LOVE them!!!!!
Until they infest your home
Oh HELL no!
Give me the furry variety of children ANYday!
So granted....I am NEVER going to understand why ANYONE would willingly have 14 children.
Hell, I cannot understand why anyone would want FOUR children! Sheeesh!
That aside, it does piss me off when it is mentioned that she is a "single mother".
Granted, I do understand the implication. How could TWO adults properly care for 14 young children, let alone ONE adult.
But the fact that she is not currently married should not be the issue.
Fine, so my personal backgroud clouds my objectivity on this situation.
If you want to hate this stupid chic, there are PLENTY of legitimate reasons to do so aside from her marital status. Get over it!
I have been unemployed since December 9th, 2008. We have a home. Utility bills. Groceries. Credit Card bills that have not been paid in ages. Creditors. Bill collectors. Seven pets that are OUR children. They need food. Shots. Toys. Medicine.
Just like their human conterparts.
Yet every year, my husband and I have to pay taxes. LOTS of taxes.
Husband is only a High School Teacher and Coach. He works his butt off EVERY day.
For very little money. His school system is the lowest paid in this area.
Yet we have NO DEDUCTIONS......
No "children". "expenses"......
Yet women who pop out a baby every year get money out the wazoooo!!!!
Bitter? Yeah, a little.
Look, my mother worked her ASS OFF every day of her LIFE because she did not believe in taking money she did not "earn"
She did not believe getting pregnant unexpectedly gave you the right to get a check from the Government.
So she scraped. She suffered. She struggled. She gave me a comfortable life.
But she died without a penny to her name.
Have I ever told you I hate people?
My "so-called-father" never paid one worthless dime towards my care.
He had his wife. His three perfect kids. His precious "big money" job.
My mother never asked for one thing after he denied us.
She pushed on, went forward, survived.
So back to the mom with 14 kids aged 7 and under.....
Okay. It is her choice.
I do wish them well.
But she willingly put herself into that position......
Therefore she should find her OWN way out.........
Without MY money.......
Good luck.