Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm every freakin' where!!!

Oh, babe! I JUST noticed that I have one, two, three, four, five different places that I blog!
HOW did this happen?
Seth just gave me my first computer in NOVEMBER of 2008!
What the HELL am I doing????
Ahhh.....guess since I can no longer go OFF on the radio, I have found my NEW medium....SCARY!

If you are curious, here are some other places you can find me:

For true GLBT Activism, find me at http://www.gaywallet.com
I'm there under Susan Harley.
For a more "social" GLBT site, go to http://www.pridebook.com
I forget, I'm either under Harley (Maiden name) or Fisher (Married). Just look for me. Cool site, kinda new-ish, LOTS of cool people on BOTH Gay Wallet AND Pridebook!

Of course, even though my17 year old Godson was APPALLED to discover that an "old crone" like ME has Myspace.....
I'm THERE!!!
Sorry, I think it's FUN!

I'm on Facebook too, but truthfully, I don't really like Facebook, I find it pretty lame. I really only sigen up because my hubby is on there and I wanted to join him
Look for me if you want, but it ain't that interesting.

For anyone who STILL doesn't know.....I am on the Ministry Team of a GLBT church.
Although they don't have a BLOG, per se, I'm there.
PLUS, we are a VERY open and welcoming group. Check it out!!
At this moment, despite the tranny in my band giving me FITS, I am STILL the manager for Surrender Your Innocence (formerally Supplementary Irreverence).
They are a VERY talented group of musicians, drug addled as they may be.

Also, if you want to get REALLY wild, check out Mark Of the Beast (MOB).
Look, I know some of you may be freaked out by some of the topics/posts/ect., but it populated with CRAZY smart, cool people, and I absoluetly ADORE the wriring of Anntichrist Coulter (the blog moderator). A real eye opener.
Now, I don't BLOG there exactly, but it is a source for a wealth of information!

Also, this is someone elses blog, but he is a dear, sweet, kind, intelligent man.

So, there, that should give you something to do if you get REALLY bored sometime!

Monday, March 30, 2009


I'm TOO nice, I'm TOO angry, I'm TOO Liberal, I'm TOO conservative. I'm ALWAYS TOO....SOMETHING!!!
WHEN can it be okay to just be......me?
You know the downside of trying to celebrate diversity?
The diverse friends you collect.....HATE EACH OTHER!!!!!!!
I can't win. EVER! No matter WHAT I do, SOMEONE thinks I am a total MORON!!!!
In a way, I really don't care.
In another way....I ALWAYS care.
No matter HOW hard I work or HOW hard I try, everyday, I WILL piss SOMEBODY off!
Yeah, I know. I'm almost 40. Shouldn't I have figured that out a LONG time ago???
Yet, my very NATURE allows me to relate to a WIDE variety of people. This is what I was MADE to do. To RELATE. To CONSOLE. To LOVE. To show COMPASSION. To celebrate DIVERSITY. To ACCEPT.
I WANT to do this. I was BORN to do this.
My mental illness gets in the way.
No matter WHO I reach out to or what "fringe" group they belong to, something I do, some basic part of who I am.....is "wrong".
The Transgender girl/boy in the band I manage is giving me FITS!!
I worked my ASS off for her/him!! Okay, I did it for the mixed/lesbian I have known since she was a child who is ALSO in the band. I feel very MOTHERLY towards her.
But still. If I can accept the drug addaled, pyscho, transgender girl/boy for who s/he is, WHY can't s/he accept ME for who I am?
Why is it ME who always has to change? Why am I laways the one who is.....wrong?
Fine. I known these people NEED someone. They NEED to be shown LOVE, ACCEPTANCE,TOLERANCE.
They've been screwed over ROYALLY in their lives.
SOMEONE needs to show them some LOVE and COMPASSION.
It's the same old story of my life.
I'm TOO normal for the FREAKS, and TOO freaky for the NORMAL people. I fit in everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
I'm so tired of it.
When can it be okay to love Industrial Metal Music and Pedicure parties?
When can it be okay to be a Christian and a straight GLBT Activist?
When can it be okay to love animals, be a Vegetarian, and still think PETA does some weird crap sometimes?
When can it be okay to be supportive of "alternative" (HATE that phrase!!!) "lifestyles" and yet be ridiculed for my mostly "convential" one?
When can it be okay to be......me?
To be Susan.
To have Purple streaks in my hair and to love Jesus?
To enjoy Industrial Music and to want to be home to fix my sweet, hardworking hubby dinner?
To absolutely ADORE my GLBT friends and still hope to NOT be considered a "freak" by many of the "Christians" I know?
To be proud of my GLBT Church and to be friends of Atheists?
To not really be "into" porn and think it is awesomely HILARIOURS to find out a friend is putting a "GLory Hole" in his closet?
To be an overweight Vegetarian?
To want to paint my nails Green and to think that being unable to express oneself WITHOUT using the "F-word" shows lack of creativity.
To Adore Carrie Underwood and to HATE Country "Music"?
To LOVE "Pysch" On USA& think that reality TV (American Idol included) is worthless, pointless drivel.
When, when WHEN will it be okay to be.........Susan?
To be Different/the same? To be Liberal/Conservative? To be Open Minded/yet VERY Opinionated?
To be a little bit Rock-N-Roll and a Little bit Techno?
To sometimes feel like a NUT, sometimes don't?
To be someone OTHER than Jan Brady?
When will it finally be okay to be poor, pathetic, mixed up me?

Because I am QUITE sure the being SUSAN is the ONLY person I REALLY know how to be!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Weddings, I'm not a huge fan. Oh sure, I enjoy celebrating the union of two people who love each other. But, I never DREAMED of weddings as a child. They're nice, but usually UNBEARABLY long and lots of pomp and circumstance that bore me silly.

That being said, my husband and I went to a wedding last night that was (blessedly) shorter that MOST, and had enough of the couples personality in it to make it fun and a TRUE celebration of the two unique people getting married. VERY sweet indeed!

At the reception, we sat with several couples, one of whom is a lovely gay couple. They married in Canada almost five years ago. One is a Teacher (works with MY hubby), the other is an AMAZING artist who has had his work recognized at the WHITE HOUSE!! Just two fun, adorable, wonderful people.

The (bland) DJ played a song and invited ALL of the marreid couples to get on the dance floor. Now, the Bride and Groom would have welcomed their gay friends to join them and trip the light fantastic. But, despite the gentle proding of MANY people at our table, this couple declined. They did not want to "ruin" their friends wedding reception by dancing together.
Very thoughtful friends indeed.
BUT......how very sad that they had to take that into consideration! The idea that two people, who love each other and are in a committed relationship, cannot DANCE together at a friend's wedding for fear of RUINING the celebration!!

Granted, MY dancing has undoubtedly ruined MANY a celebration...but that is ANOTHER matter!
I hope someday soon, the site of two men or two woman DANCING togther will no longer be seen as grounds for 'RUINING" a celebration.
Unless, of course, they BOTH dance like me!

Genocidal Jindal

A friend of mine on the blogosphere, Anntichrist Coulter, has a blog called "Mark Of the Beast". Adults only to be sure! She's an animal lover like me! She's also a "Flaming Atheist" as she calls it, very NOT like me.
But she is "good people" as they say. She's had an interesting life, and many experiences that would surely have destroyed a weaker soul.
Even if I don't always agree with her, she is CRAZY smart, and I enjoy her writing style. I respect her GREATLY!!!
She lives in the NOLA area, and many of her blog entries detail the...."interesting" people she encounters there. Mostly, worthless, hillbilly MORONS!! Oh, can I EVER relate to that!!! It's SICK what she has to deal with!
Recently, she posted something I thought was important to share. Their Governor, Bobby Jindal, passed a law that people on medicade/medicare (I get the 2 confused), that do NOT have children, are children themselves, or live in a nursing home, must be limited to 5 perscriptions a month!!
Heck, I take almost 5 perscriptions a month! So someone like my friend Seth, for example, would possibly have to give up some of his much needed meds, or find another way to pay for them!! Can you imagine? It's disgusting!
Annti calls him Genocidal Jindal because she feels this is all part of his "ethnic cleansing" of the poor and disabled.
She may be right. How could he DO that to ANYONE??? Disgusting.
I just wanted to share this link with you, check it out if you want. And lets hope SOMETHING changes there! (And our that Crazy Mitch Daniels doesn't get any ideas!!)


Thursday, March 26, 2009

So NOW what?

I turned 39 on March 22nd, 2009....so NOW what?? I swear, I thought I was going to be a grown-up by now......but apparently that's NOT gonna happen!
Even though I am not "gainfully employed", I am pretty darn busy!
I have my band to manage http://www.myspace.com/surrenderyourinnoocence . I have my awesome church www.unidiversal.com , plus LOTS of ideas for our furure in regards to Pets and Animals Ministry!!
I have my furry babies to care for. Seven, for now. Cheyenne, the 15 year old rescue dog is going downhill quickly, so I am not sure what will be happening with her in the near future.
I am not really BOTHERED by turning 39. Seems okay so far. I just feel like I am MISSING....something.
What? Don't know.
It feels like I SHOULD be doing something....just wish I could figure out WHAT the heck it is!
Did you guys feel like that, at any point? Feel like you can't put your finger on it...but something is wrong/missing/weird??
Guess I'll know soon enough.
So, in the meantime......39 isn't too old to wear silver hotpants and neon pink platfrom shoes..
is it?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Somewhere along the way....I lost my marbles...

I mean, yeah, the title of my blog kinda "confirms" that notion....but WHEN, exactly, did it happen?
I could have SWORN I was born a "normal" child.
Well, um......okay, maybe not "normal" in the traditional sense.

Normal: I had imaginary friends.

Not Normal: They were all animals, that talked.

Normal: I loved to read my "Golden Books".

Not Normal: I read either in the "downward dog" position in Yoga, or hanging upsidedown from the edge of the couch.

Normal: I was born into a farming family, and Grandpa was a butcher.

Not normal: I considered the cows to be BIG dogs, and begged to be a Vegetarian at 5 years old.

Normal: Barbies, Barbies, Barbies!!!!! LOVED them!!!

Not Normal: I did NOT like the Blonde ones. In fact, I BEGGED my mother to buy me Black Barbies because they were SO much prettier...and she did. (I also loved my "Seniorita" Hispanic Barbie, my Redhead Barbie, and my Black (afro) Ken dolls....)

Normal: Church going family

Not Normal: Single mom who was FREQUENTLY kicked out of the "church" for being "unwed". AND, she taught me to celebrate Diversity and that God loves ALL people/animals. No Exceptions.

Normal: Little girls LOVE things that are pretty and that fly. Birds, butterflies, ladybugs, fairies....

Not Normal: I loved ALL of those, but my FAVORITE were...BATS!!!

Normal: Little girls love small furry animals: Bunnies, Chipmunks, Squirrels...

Not Normal: Loved them...PLUS....mice, rats (rats ROCK), ferrets.....

Normal: Loves to be "cute", dress-up, but evolves and changes into a Sophisticated Style.

Not Normal: I STILL love: glitter, rainbows, ribbons, sparkles, color, bling, pink, purple, bold, glam, no rules!!!

Hmmmmm........looking back on it all, maybe I was BORN this way?
Maybe I was never destined to be "Normal".

Maybe I was destined to be something......better.....

Freaks/Weirdos/Crazies unite!!!!

We got some fairy dust to sprinkle about......

Saturday, March 14, 2009

No, I'm not dead!

Sheesh!!! A girl takes a couple weeks off from writing and POW!!
So here I am, my wonderful friends, blogging....just for you! It's all 'cause I love you, you know.
I found out something somewhat sad today. My husband is a teacher (NO, that's NOT the sad part.....well...unless you consider the pay....), and he was telling me about his day at School.
First: There are several gay Teachers at his school. We are friends with many of them. All typical family- types. Several are in long term committed relationships, home owners, dog lovers. They go to Wal-Mart. Cook dinner. Mow the lawn. Shovel their sidewalks in the winter. Basically, they are like all of the OTHER teachers. Normal humans doing normal things.
Okay, maybe the guys DRESS a little better/sharper....but, hey, you can't stiffle the fashion gene, now can you?
Anyway, the head of my husband's department has been there about 12 years, or so. Not sure how old she is, early 50's, maybe? Has a husband, grown children, ect.
She has been the head of said department for a few years now.
Apparently, she has let it be known that she does NOT approve of the "lifestyle" of her gay co-workers.
AND, it seems these co-workers are getting poor reviews because of it.
One in particular, a guy I really adore (he and his husband got married in Canada several years ago, just the sweetest couple you ever would meet), has been so discouraged but her words/actions, that he is thinking of QUITTING.
Now, MY first inclination is to go to the school on Monday and tell that old woman where she can stick it and remind her that the PRIVATE domestic lives of ANY of her "underlings" is none of her doggone business!
Not to mention, oh, I don't know.....discrimination?? Hello!!!
But, I won't do that because, well, my husband agrees with me but he would be MORTIFIED if I did such a thing.
Plus, in this economy, I don't want to jeapaordise his career. We have a house payment after all.
But it really irks me that in this day and age, disapproving of ones "lifestyle" is still a problem. And I thought I LIKED this woman. Who knew she was SO ignorant?
What's more, how is that considered professional for her to run all over that school telling people she "disapproves" of a co-workers lifestyle?
(The ironic thing, my hubby said, is that several of the teachers she complained to happen to be GAY!!! Just not as "out"....for obvious reasons...apparently).
WHEN is this nonsense going to end? Why is it still okay for so many people to "disapprove" of someone because of their sexual-orientation/gender identity?

Oh, I get why the "fundamantalists", like (some) of the narrow-minded people I went to school with, hold that opinion.
But won't THEY be surprised when they die and discover....there are GAY PEOPLE IN HEAVEN!!! ACK!!!
Actually.....that will be kinda humorus to watch...but that's just me.

I know, you can't fix "stupid". But, do me a favor. Heck, do ALL of us a favor. If you see that happen at YOUR job, or church, or wherever.....SAY something.
Stand up, even if it's just to say "You know what? I don't think this is work appropriate, lets talk about somethin else".
Lets let these people know that we won't stand around while ignorant homophobic/racist/anti-semitic ect. comments are made.
No, we cannot FIX stupid.......but we can give it a good kick in the butt!