Sunday, March 29, 2009


Weddings, I'm not a huge fan. Oh sure, I enjoy celebrating the union of two people who love each other. But, I never DREAMED of weddings as a child. They're nice, but usually UNBEARABLY long and lots of pomp and circumstance that bore me silly.

That being said, my husband and I went to a wedding last night that was (blessedly) shorter that MOST, and had enough of the couples personality in it to make it fun and a TRUE celebration of the two unique people getting married. VERY sweet indeed!

At the reception, we sat with several couples, one of whom is a lovely gay couple. They married in Canada almost five years ago. One is a Teacher (works with MY hubby), the other is an AMAZING artist who has had his work recognized at the WHITE HOUSE!! Just two fun, adorable, wonderful people.

The (bland) DJ played a song and invited ALL of the marreid couples to get on the dance floor. Now, the Bride and Groom would have welcomed their gay friends to join them and trip the light fantastic. But, despite the gentle proding of MANY people at our table, this couple declined. They did not want to "ruin" their friends wedding reception by dancing together.
Very thoughtful friends indeed. very sad that they had to take that into consideration! The idea that two people, who love each other and are in a committed relationship, cannot DANCE together at a friend's wedding for fear of RUINING the celebration!!

Granted, MY dancing has undoubtedly ruined MANY a celebration...but that is ANOTHER matter!
I hope someday soon, the site of two men or two woman DANCING togther will no longer be seen as grounds for 'RUINING" a celebration.
Unless, of course, they BOTH dance like me!