Here it is, another Christmas eve. I must admit, it's been a rough year.
Three of my animal babies died. Othello, my sweet dalmation baby boy was first. He was 14 years old, and I knew it was coming. I should have had him put down earlier I suppose, but that is such a horribly difficult call to make.
He could no longer walk, couldn't even wag his beautiful tail, but his spirit was still there, he still had that spark in his 2-color eyes.
His sister Molly (by adoption, not by birth) was also a dalamtion, 13 years old, getting close to 14 herself.
She had been doing so well (for a very elderly dog). But she and Othello were close. I knew whoever went 1st, the other would follow soon thereafter.
Sure enough, after Othello passed, Molly began to decline. Her kidneys gave out. She gave up. Missed her brother. She died April 18th.
One of our ferrets, Milton, also passed this year. Now, to be sure, he was an OLD ferret. 8 1/2 years, ancient by ferret standards.
He died in my arms this past summer. I thought I was ready to blog about it, but I'm still not. Sorry.
Of ccourse, we had money problems all year, like everyone else. Then there was my job loss from CHUPACABRA. Which could still be a blessing...but not so fun economically.
No presents will be exchanged this year, no money for them. We didn't even put up a tree.
Of course, pasr of the reason for that was Obie (our destructo-dog.) And the fact that my "new"/old computer is currently sitting where we usually put the tree.
We did put up lights tonight. A long colorful strand, decorating the entire living room.
Light were always my favorite part of the tree decorations anyway.
So Christmas will come quietly to our home. But we are safe. We have HEAT! ELECTRICITY! A HOME! Each other. we have beautiful friends. Family. And though me ache for the furry babies that have passed, we are enjoying the ones that are here with us now. All 8 of them!
Merry Christmas to you all!! May your day be JOYFUL!!!!!!!!