Yeah, yeah, life isn't fair, work with me people!
So right after I left the wonderful world of RADIO, I did a year long tour of duty in office jobs.
Oh My!! NOT for me. BORED, bored bored out of my crazy little mind. Nice people (mostly), decent pay (better than radio...which is not saying much), but NOT for me.
Then, I found a job at a local business college. It was presented to me as a Public Relations job.
Travel to any/all High Schools with-in a 150 mile radius of my town, and tell said students about the college.
YES!!! I could once again get PAID to talk!!!! Whoo-hoo!!!!
I started in July 2000. some days were better than others, but overall I loved it. No pressure, I LOVED working with the students, and since my Husband was a TEACHER, it was perfect for us as a family too.
Then HE took over....oh how I would LOVE to name him here...but we shall call him....
CHUPACABRA......(long story, X-FILES ref....look it up..).
CHUPACABRA HATES women!!!! Most of our employees are women. He REALLY hates me because I speak my mind, and I am not afraid to tell the Emperor that he is FREAKING nekked!!!
Every year, he tells my manager (Who changes's a hard job!), NOT to hire me back.
They hire me back...every...single year......
I related VERY well to the students. Truth be told, I never really GREW UP, so I was TOTALLY on their level.
CHUPACABRA wants us to do a HARD SELL to CHILDREN....basically tell them anything and everything to get those kids to sign on the dotted line.
I refuse.
I don't like to be "sold", and I will never do that to someone else.
At the beginning of this school year, my direct manager has a meeting with me. Says that CHUPACABRA HATES me. OKAY!!!! At least the feeling is mutual!
I must improve my "numbers", wants to know that I BELIEVE in this College.
I decide that this MUST be my last year. I love this job, I am GOOD at this job....but I will NOT sell my soul for any career.
It had turned into a sales job right before my eyes.....and SUSAN does not do sales.
I suffer from a variey of physical/mental/emotional issues/problems. Migraine headaches is the newest addition to the lovely little list.
Monday, I have a downright evil migraine!!! I try to be a good little soilder and go to work anyway. I don't remeber much about the drive there, I remember NOTHING about the drive back home. But I did it. I am a professional.
In Radio, I went on-air under ALL manner of "conditions", sick, tired, get the idea.
I was fabulous in the classroom.....went to throw-up and beg to die during my break.
Tuesday, I work again, felt good, I totally rocked the room!
When I get back to the office, one of CHUPACABRA'S minnions calls me into a meeting. He tells me of "problems" on Monday.
I want to say "Yeah, no s#ht dude, I was dying!"
Then he informs me of "layoffs". I am offically unemployed. Just. Like That.
Not even a cheap little Christmas present.
So here I am, a house, a husband, 8 (furry) children, a HUGE mound of bills....and no job....
Oh dear..... the American dream .......crap.
So,'s time for me to re-invent myself again. It's not ALL bad. This is how God must deal with me, give me a little push to get me to move in the next direction...
more to come................