Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I'm too BUSY to blog!

Yeah, I know. Irony, right?
Seriously, this week has been INSANE!!

Sunday was Easter. Did the family dinner thing with my hubby's extended family.Such CARNIVORS, these people!
Meat in the Salads!
Meat in the pasta!
Meat in the soups!
Meat, meat and freakin' MORE meat!!!
I tell you....if they could figure out how to add meat the the jello and cookies...they would! Trust me.
Good thing I brought a Vegetarian dish or I would've STARVED!
Well, maybe not STARVED....but it would have sucked, nonetheless.

We visit a good friend. Have a nice chat. Drive home.

Then, about 8pm or so the lead singer of my band shows up in tears.
Yes. The big tough lead singer of my Industrial Metal band was in tears.
Girl troubles....AGAIN!
Will spare you the details, but sufice to say it took a few hours to calm him down enough to send him on his way.
THEN...the girlfriend calls!
So I try to talk HER down too. Oh my.

Then this morning, it suddenly occurs to me that I only had THREE DAYS to get stuff ready for the band's two BIG shows this weekend!! ACK!!!

I'm working, calling, taking care of the furry kids, phone rings
It's the lead singer again.
This time......?
CAT trouble!
Does it EVER end?
His kitty-baby is under the Dishwasher, won't come out.
She is a CAT afterall....
He's freaking out. MORE crying.
I've never seen a guy who only wears black and cusses out stragers on the street CRY so much!
He needs some meds...LEGAL ones.
Anyway, long story that I am WAY too tired to type.....but the cat is safe and sound.

Thanks to some power tools and tuna.

So now I have TWO DAYS!!!!!

I'm never going to get this all done.
Do ALL band managers ALSO become relationship counselors/cat rescuers?
Or is it me.

But, yes. I am blogging to tell you I am WAY too freakin' busy to blog right now....but I hope to get back to it later.

And when YOU figure out how that makes sense.....let me know.