But sometimes, they do something so-oooo stupid/funny/pathetic...I HAVE to comment on them:
Brett Favre: OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!! Just freakin' RETIRE already!!!!!!!!!!!! DUDE!!!! You are becoming a total JOKE!!!! How many times can one person "retire" anyway? Who do you think you are...Cher/Tina Turner with their 25th Annual Good-Bye Tour????
(For the record...I LOVE Cher and Tina....I'm just sayin' it took them a looonnnnngggg time to "retire" with their farwell tours...).
And Brett, dude, seriously. Take the money and RUN! Retire! Vacation! Buy your wife something nice! Clean the house ! I dunno...ANYTHING you freakin' WANT to do!! Do you know how many people would LOVE to retire before 40?????
BTW - Brett Favre is...YOUNGER...than me....
Charles Barkley: FUNNY commercials!!! Hilarious!!! Getting caught speeding and giving the excuse of an impending "blow-job" as the EXCUSE for speeding...? PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!
Danica Patrick: Race car driver caught speeding....again.....DUH!!!!!!! IT'S HER JOB!!!!!!!
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt getting freaky when he was married to Jen: No Sh#t. Duh.
But shows that no matter HOW many kids she adopts, she is a nasty biznitch. Jen, girl, you had it, you moved on, you can do better....is Johnny Depp busy??????
Madonna: Another divorce..."Oh, we are just friends".....girl...WHATEVER!! You are MADONNA!!!! Tell them, "Yeah, I hit it, so what?"...She's not the "Material Girl" for NOTHING!
Oh...and if Angelina/Madonna are looking for a new child to adopt....I'm available!
I can do light house work too! :)
On my husband's Political Talk Shows, they are ALREADY talking about WHO will run against Obama in 4 years.......REALLY???? Seriously????? Can't we just have ONE.FREAKIN'. YEAR without political campaigns?!?!?!?!??!?! PLEASE!?!?!??!?!?!
Barak Obama....please, please, PLEASE don't let me/us down. We are counting on you! I know you are only human, a politician, a man (NOT a good combo...HA!). I know you have butts to kiss and pandering and groups to appease, ect. Oh, but we are in an AWFUL mess,Barak. Do you want your girls to inherit this nonsense?
Please...do your best. TRY to help us all...the "real" people out here in the sticks. We need it. We voted for you. we had faith.
PLEASE don't let us down.
Good luck everyone! Love you all! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!