I figured it out, years that end with "8" are NOT good.
1978 - HORRIBLE year!! 4th grade. EVIL teacher, SATAN SPAWN classmates, picked on EVERY SINGLE DAY!
1988- Junior year of High School. Lots of friends, school okay. Family stuff cool.
But I began my decent into anorexia. Eventually got to 90lbs. (at 5'8' !). Ewww.
1998-My mom passed away from CML luekiemia. Worst.Year.Ever.
2008-My 2 precious dalmations, Molly and Othello (My baby boy) died. Sweet Milton the ferret died. Lost my job because of CHUPACABRA, bad financial problems. Turmoil.
2018........um......maybe I'll leave the country?
Happy New Year sweethearts! 2009 has GOT to be better!!!!