Friday, April 17, 2009

I am SO Proud of my band!

So I am going on 28 hours without sleep, so this will be SHORT....but I am So proud of the group of misfit toys I call My Band!
We played at Piere's tonight....(BIG deal for independant bands in the Northeast Indiana area...).
My poor little mentally-ill lead vocalist.....he was SO "ON" tonight!
Yes....dealing with his disability can be difficult in "real life"....but...WOW! The poor little thing DOES make it WORK for him on stage!
The girls were AMAZING....of course!
And the BEST part?
We have ALREADY been asked to come BACK!!
Truly, my little "motley crew" mad the OTHER bands seem like SUCH "3-cords-and-scream" amatures.
Do they drive me nuts?
Are they pains in my ass?
Am I proud of them?
Oh...YES....VERY proud!!!

Now....pardon me while I sleep for 3 hours...and do it ALL again.....