Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Spagetti Incident....

When our Dalmations, Molly and Othello, were still alive, they were an ENDLESS source of entertainment!!
And it seemed that a LOT of their antics revolved around food.
So here is the first in a series of TRUE Dalmation stories:

THE SPAGETTI INCIDENT (Also known as the Case of the Traveling Trubador)

We had Othello since he was just a little puppy. He was born deaf, a common trait in Dalmations. There were challenges with that, but benefits too. One being that a dog that can't HEAR tends to not BARK very much.
We adopted Molly from a family was moving across the country (for a job) and were being put up in a NO PETS apartment by their employer. They loved her greatly, and they wanted her in a loving home, PREFERABLY with people who had experience with Dalmations already as they can be......unique!
We were happy to take her in, and she was the same age as our Othello!

But Molly could hear just fine......and OH BABY.....could she BARK!

Being in a NEW home surrounded by NEW sounds, she barked a LOT those first few weeks!!!

Sometime shortly after we adopted her, a musician from the college on our corner came to our house just as we were getting ready for our Spagetti dinner.
He had his acustic guitar with him, and some of his self produced CD's, and he asked if he could play a few songs for us.
It was a beautiful June night, and we both love music, so we sat on our porch, on the swing and listened to him play.

Naturally, when he FIRST came to the door, Molly (our new "doorbell") barked like CRAZY, as if to say "WARNING! WARNING! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!!!!!!!"

I was initially worried that she would bark through the young man's ENTIRE performance!
Othello, calm big boy that he was, sat quietly on the porch with us and watched. (Always making sure this strange dude did NOT get too close to his mommy!)
I remember feeling relieved when Molly quieted down.
I remember thinking that maybe she was FINALLY getting used to things around here!
I also remeber being somewhat surprised that she was NOT on the porch.
In fact, she wasn't even at the screen door.....odd.....

The traveling trubador fished his set list, we thanked him, bought one of his CD'S, and went back in to eat our Spagetti dinner.

Except. SOMEONE had already done that for us!
Oh yes, there before us was the dining room table, tablecloth puuled almost completely off....and two EMPTY plates that minutes ago held Spagetti. Not to mention a totally EMPTY bread basket.

And there was our Molly. Sitting beside the table. Red marinara sauce all OVER her mostly white face.
And she kinda looked at us like "OH! Back already? was the music?"

And for YEARS after that, almost until her death in April of last year, EVERY TIME we had Spagetti, she RUN to the door and bark WILDLY...hoping to get us to abandon our dinner in search of a non-existant Trubador on our porch.

At least she left us the wine.