Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Dog ate their Homework!!

Good grief people!!! I swear, I write three serious blogs in a row and people get twelve ways to CRAZY......sigh.......

This is another in a series of TRUE stories about things my much beloved, and sadly departed, Dalmations ate/desroyed....

Othello was a Mama's Boy to the core! He also had seperation anxiety. I never knew what destruction would await when I came home.
Fortuneatly, I never had the money to buy nice stuff....so USUALLY what he demolished was not of value....USUALLY.
And NO I didn't crate him because he would hurt himself trying to get OUT of the crate because he was SO upset Mommmy was going bye-bye. So, I decided to take my chances with the destruction.

Plus, I found out he could READ! One time I came home to find three specific CD'S chewed to bits (yeah...indestructable my ass...).
And ALL three CD'S were by the SAME group....The Squirrel Nut Zippers...(cool band, google them, they rock!)
Apparently, he thought the band title was an ingredient list...not sure.

My hubby is an English Teacher, and ALWAYS has tons of papers waiting to be graded. Reaserch Papers took oodles of time because he has to make sure the little darlings didn't steal it off the internet.
He had a huge pile of said papers stuffed into his briefcase, along with a bag of Malted Milk Balls. Ya GOTTA have some chocolate when you grade.

For reason's unknown, he LEFT the briefcase on the floor....WELL within Othello's grasp. We left to run to the store.
Now, I love my husband, but he has a slow learning curve for some things.By this point, Othello had already destroyed/eaten: Two TV Remotes, a pair of slick, black dress shoes and MANY books....ALL left by my husband within the "Othello Zone", as we called it.
WHY he didn't think to move that dang briefcase, I'll never know.

When we arrive, I was the first in the door.
Paper bits were EVERYWHERE!!!! Along with shreds of black leather from the briefcase....and a tiny bit of plastic from the Malted Milk Balls.

And Othello was smiling his gorgeous smile, as always....with a bit of chocolate on his nose.
Now MY first concern is that my dog just ate an ENTIRE bag of chocolate, which is VERY toxic to dogs!!!
Blessedly, he was a giant sized Dalmation, and the chocolate didn't effect him one BIT!! Over the years, we discovered that my Baby Boy had a cast iron stomache. The things he ate that NEVER hurt him or made him sick is STAGGERING!!!
Including: batteries, a rock, and ANOTHER bag of Halloween candy. Wrappers and all. Only thing THAT did was cause him to poop out Reese Cup wrappers for a few days.

However....the breifcase was a TOTAL loss.....as were ALL OF THOSE RESEACH PAPERS!!!!!
Yes, it's true.....the Dog Ate the Homework.....ALL of it......

I didn't know if my husband was going to CRY or have a coronary. Or both.

The HARDEST part, for him, was to go back to School and tell his students that the Teachers Dog had indeed eaten their Homework.

And yes, he he made them do it all AGAIN....meanie....