Friday, January 16, 2009

Ann Coulter Must Die

Oh...I REALLY hate Ann (Evil-nasty-hateful-ass-biznitch) Coulter.
WHY is she still HERE...on this EARTH??? She is using up my oxygen, damn it!!!

Typically, I do not like to give "press" to the media-hungry whores like Ann Coulter..I am conviced that half of what they say is for ratings sake...the other half because they were dropped on their heads repetedly as infants.
I could not even BEGIN to list all of the moronic things she has said over the years. Google'll see.
But she was blessedly SILENT for awhile after Obama won. I got used to the "clean air"
But, she is a persistant rash..itchy and annoying.
I don't watch the TV show "The View"...not for any Major reasons...I just don't have the time.
But I DO see clips of the show from time to time.
She was on The View recently...oh..dear..LORD!!!
I cannot even BEGIN to go through the idiotic HATE she spewed...but I was intriged by one particular thing.
She was talking about how she disliked that "Black/Mixed" Actors/Actresses/Musicians would only identify with their "Black" side when they became famous. Oh PLEASE!!!!
I won't even BEGIN to go into how my 17 year old Godson identifies as Black, even though he is very light-skinned ("High -Yellow" is what he tells me..) and could easily pass for White.
Or how my good friend "Medusa" was raised by her White family members, and totally shunned by her (black) father. But also subjected to HORRIBLE racial slurs by her extended "family" , not to mention the bigotry she faces for being a Lesbian.
She identifys as she wrong for doing so???
What caught my attention as the Evil-Moron Ann Coulter spoke (is she just a REALLY ugly transexual ...or what?....sorry...that is an insult to transexuals...they deserve BETTER than her...!!!) is that she mentioned Halle Berry.
Halle Berry ROCKS!!!
In particular, she mentioned how awful it was that Halle Berry thanked her "black mother in her Oscar speech, thereby excluding her white father". Ann-dumb-ass-Coulter's point being that "mixed" performers capitalize on their Black hertiage because it is "cooler"..more "trendy" somehow.
One problem...Halle Berry's mom is WHITE. Her Dad is black.
Halle identified as white as a child, although she was told by her mom that she would be precieved as black by other people, because of her darker skin.
She thanked her Mom because they are close, her Mom supported her, loved her.
Her Dad was....not as "available". ( Oh LORDY , can I ever relate to THAT!!!)
Halle thanked her Mom because she LOVED her, and was actually...THANKFUL!!!!
It wasn't a "Career Move"...not a carefully planned "Race Card".
She actually LOVES HER MOM!!!!

Have I told you I hate Ann Coulter????

I cannot say I have lived the life of my godson, or my friend Medusa, or even Halle Berry...(oh...I WISH!!!)
This was just a tiny, tiny example of how hateful "people" like Ann-Evil-Biznitch-Coulter twist things to make their points.
To sow seeds of vile hatred.
To be cruel.
To be Mean.
I just wish she would stop breathing my air.....