Friday, January 30, 2009

Hold on to your hats, kids!!! Mama is in a BAD mood

And yes, I DO have my's just been a rough few days..take it or leave it...

I have these neighbors that are very kind to me. Which is difficult since I AM a's true.
They are a sweet young family with three adorable, wonderful children, the best behaved darlings you have EVER seen. I think the WORLD of them.
But....they are conservative. ME...not so much.
They are SO freaked out over a "Black-Baby Killer" in Office...Oh. My.Head.
What IS IT with these STUPID "One Issue Voter" people??? So, that is a GOOD thing?? That you did NOT vote for CHANGE because of ONE...FREAKING...ISSUE????
So, lets talk don't like it, fine..neither do I. BUT...if these women HAVE these babies that they cannot/will not care for...who will care for them???
Angelina Jolie, Madonna and Mia Farrow have done their part with adoption...WHAT exactly do the REST of you plan on doing? Anything???
Will you Foster a child? Adopt one? Be a Big Brother/Big Sister? What about the "difficult" kids? Will YOU be there for them?....for 18 years..??? Really???
This is what I am saying. People LOVE to speak out agaist ABORTION... but what will YOU do about it....besides carry a sign....?
Think about it....
A 19 year old white girl in my town was annoyed at the BIG DEAL people were making about Barak Obama being the First BLACK President..
Oh..a big deal? Too much? Really?? Biznitch, did your skinny little ass ever actually GO to your history classes?? Shut your STUPID skinny-white have no CLUE what the generations before your ungrateful-ass went thru to make Obama a possability. Shut. Up!
Some people that I know are now worried that black people will think they are "important" because we have a Black President....
Ummmm...okay...because for the last several hundred YEARS we have had only ONE type of person in this supposed "melting pot" of a community, a COUNTRY...???
Yeah, HATE to think the Black folk might think they are..PEOPLE or something....

Oh yeah, and that "Gay Agenda", did I miss that? Because I LOVE sequins! Sparkles! Rainbows! O h YEAH BABY!!
The GAYS will take over an make the ugly buildings FABULOUS! The lame music AMAZING! They will...oh..wait...what?
They only want Equal Rights? To visit their life-partner in the Hospital? To Marry their HighSchool sweetheart? To be..people??
Well, CRAP. That's just
Where is the controversy in THAT? I missing something?

And have I told you I really don't trust humans? As much as I do want Gays/Blacks/Jews/Muslims/Asians/Transgenders/Latinos/Hindus/Bi-sexuals/Buddists/ have their fair and EQUAL RIGHTS....
I really do not like/trust people.
People lie. People want you to feel guilty. People have..."motives".
Animals are transparent. They are who they are..for better or for worse.

MY goal for 2009 is be more ANIMAL that HUMAN.
Humans HATE because someone is DIFFERENT...
Animals HATE because someone HURTS them...
and even then they do not hold a grudge..they only PROTECT themselves and their family from futher pain.

So there it is. People suck. Animals rock. Gay people are freaking cool. Black people are in charge.
And I like it that way.
Screw everyone else.