You know what is REALLY good therapy? Sunshine. Playing with my dogs. Talking to a good friend. And ranting on my blog! should try it! And MUCH cheaper that ACTUAL therapy too!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Hold on to your hats, kids!!! Mama is in a BAD mood
And yes, I DO have my's just been a rough few days..take it or leave it...
I have these neighbors that are very kind to me. Which is difficult since I AM a's true.
They are a sweet young family with three adorable, wonderful children, the best behaved darlings you have EVER seen. I think the WORLD of them.
But....they are conservative. ME...not so much.
They are SO freaked out over a "Black-Baby Killer" in Office...Oh. My.Head.
What IS IT with these STUPID "One Issue Voter" people??? So, that is a GOOD thing?? That you did NOT vote for CHANGE because of ONE...FREAKING...ISSUE????
So, lets talk don't like it, fine..neither do I. BUT...if these women HAVE these babies that they cannot/will not care for...who will care for them???
Angelina Jolie, Madonna and Mia Farrow have done their part with adoption...WHAT exactly do the REST of you plan on doing? Anything???
Will you Foster a child? Adopt one? Be a Big Brother/Big Sister? What about the "difficult" kids? Will YOU be there for them?....for 18 years..??? Really???
This is what I am saying. People LOVE to speak out agaist ABORTION... but what will YOU do about it....besides carry a sign....?
Think about it....
A 19 year old white girl in my town was annoyed at the BIG DEAL people were making about Barak Obama being the First BLACK President..
Oh..a big deal? Too much? Really?? Biznitch, did your skinny little ass ever actually GO to your history classes?? Shut your STUPID skinny-white have no CLUE what the generations before your ungrateful-ass went thru to make Obama a possability. Shut. Up!
Some people that I know are now worried that black people will think they are "important" because we have a Black President....
Ummmm...okay...because for the last several hundred YEARS we have had only ONE type of person in this supposed "melting pot" of a community, a COUNTRY...???
Yeah, HATE to think the Black folk might think they are..PEOPLE or something....
Oh yeah, and that "Gay Agenda", did I miss that? Because I LOVE sequins! Sparkles! Rainbows! O h YEAH BABY!!
The GAYS will take over an make the ugly buildings FABULOUS! The lame music AMAZING! They will...oh..wait...what?
They only want Equal Rights? To visit their life-partner in the Hospital? To Marry their HighSchool sweetheart? To be..people??
Well, CRAP. That's just
Where is the controversy in THAT? I missing something?
And have I told you I really don't trust humans? As much as I do want Gays/Blacks/Jews/Muslims/Asians/Transgenders/Latinos/Hindus/Bi-sexuals/Buddists/ have their fair and EQUAL RIGHTS....
I really do not like/trust people.
People lie. People want you to feel guilty. People have..."motives".
Animals are transparent. They are who they are..for better or for worse.
MY goal for 2009 is be more ANIMAL that HUMAN.
Humans HATE because someone is DIFFERENT...
Animals HATE because someone HURTS them...
and even then they do not hold a grudge..they only PROTECT themselves and their family from futher pain.
So there it is. People suck. Animals rock. Gay people are freaking cool. Black people are in charge.
And I like it that way.
Screw everyone else.
I have these neighbors that are very kind to me. Which is difficult since I AM a's true.
They are a sweet young family with three adorable, wonderful children, the best behaved darlings you have EVER seen. I think the WORLD of them.
But....they are conservative. ME...not so much.
They are SO freaked out over a "Black-Baby Killer" in Office...Oh. My.Head.
What IS IT with these STUPID "One Issue Voter" people??? So, that is a GOOD thing?? That you did NOT vote for CHANGE because of ONE...FREAKING...ISSUE????
So, lets talk don't like it, fine..neither do I. BUT...if these women HAVE these babies that they cannot/will not care for...who will care for them???
Angelina Jolie, Madonna and Mia Farrow have done their part with adoption...WHAT exactly do the REST of you plan on doing? Anything???
Will you Foster a child? Adopt one? Be a Big Brother/Big Sister? What about the "difficult" kids? Will YOU be there for them?....for 18 years..??? Really???
This is what I am saying. People LOVE to speak out agaist ABORTION... but what will YOU do about it....besides carry a sign....?
Think about it....
A 19 year old white girl in my town was annoyed at the BIG DEAL people were making about Barak Obama being the First BLACK President..
Oh..a big deal? Too much? Really?? Biznitch, did your skinny little ass ever actually GO to your history classes?? Shut your STUPID skinny-white have no CLUE what the generations before your ungrateful-ass went thru to make Obama a possability. Shut. Up!
Some people that I know are now worried that black people will think they are "important" because we have a Black President....
Ummmm...okay...because for the last several hundred YEARS we have had only ONE type of person in this supposed "melting pot" of a community, a COUNTRY...???
Yeah, HATE to think the Black folk might think they are..PEOPLE or something....
Oh yeah, and that "Gay Agenda", did I miss that? Because I LOVE sequins! Sparkles! Rainbows! O h YEAH BABY!!
The GAYS will take over an make the ugly buildings FABULOUS! The lame music AMAZING! They will...oh..wait...what?
They only want Equal Rights? To visit their life-partner in the Hospital? To Marry their HighSchool sweetheart? To be..people??
Well, CRAP. That's just
Where is the controversy in THAT? I missing something?
And have I told you I really don't trust humans? As much as I do want Gays/Blacks/Jews/Muslims/Asians/Transgenders/Latinos/Hindus/Bi-sexuals/Buddists/ have their fair and EQUAL RIGHTS....
I really do not like/trust people.
People lie. People want you to feel guilty. People have..."motives".
Animals are transparent. They are who they are..for better or for worse.
MY goal for 2009 is be more ANIMAL that HUMAN.
Humans HATE because someone is DIFFERENT...
Animals HATE because someone HURTS them...
and even then they do not hold a grudge..they only PROTECT themselves and their family from futher pain.
So there it is. People suck. Animals rock. Gay people are freaking cool. Black people are in charge.
And I like it that way.
Screw everyone else.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
One week. He did it! We have had a young, black President for ONE WHOLE week! Finally!!!
I will admit I was a nervous wreck watching him be sworn in!!
On the one hand I was thrilled to live to see such history being made. I was proud of my country, I was happy.
On the other hand I was SO worried that I would hear shots ring out.
Listen, I have been to many small communities in the Indiana/Ohio/Michigan area, and you would be SHOCKED and saddened at the amount of racism I have seen in those communities.
CHILDREN would make racist remarks. Ihave heard adults in the MILITARY promise to rid the world of the "N" president...
I cannot even allow myself to type the word.
But I was also inspired that day to see MY President and his lovely family walk in the parade, and dance at the Balls, and be...PRESIDENTIAL....after 8 years of..."not so much"...
I have NEVER before given a rats cute, furry little ass about politics, until 2008. Until Obama.
Until I saw History before my eyes.
Now look, I know he is a human and he will fail and piss me off. That's okay, I accept it.
He IS a POLITICIAN after all!
But I was so full of HOPE when I watched him take that oath.
Actually, it was the FIRST inaugaration I watched in my almost 40 years on this Earth.
They seemed so BORING before...but not THIS year!
There he was! A young black man, MY President! I cried. I was joyful.
He has inherited an awful mess. A true disaster. He REALLY has his work cut out for him.
I just pray for him and his sweet family and hope for the best, and hope that Obama makes the right choices at the right times.
Barak and Roll baby!!!!
I will admit I was a nervous wreck watching him be sworn in!!
On the one hand I was thrilled to live to see such history being made. I was proud of my country, I was happy.
On the other hand I was SO worried that I would hear shots ring out.
Listen, I have been to many small communities in the Indiana/Ohio/Michigan area, and you would be SHOCKED and saddened at the amount of racism I have seen in those communities.
CHILDREN would make racist remarks. Ihave heard adults in the MILITARY promise to rid the world of the "N" president...
I cannot even allow myself to type the word.
But I was also inspired that day to see MY President and his lovely family walk in the parade, and dance at the Balls, and be...PRESIDENTIAL....after 8 years of..."not so much"...
I have NEVER before given a rats cute, furry little ass about politics, until 2008. Until Obama.
Until I saw History before my eyes.
Now look, I know he is a human and he will fail and piss me off. That's okay, I accept it.
He IS a POLITICIAN after all!
But I was so full of HOPE when I watched him take that oath.
Actually, it was the FIRST inaugaration I watched in my almost 40 years on this Earth.
They seemed so BORING before...but not THIS year!
There he was! A young black man, MY President! I cried. I was joyful.
He has inherited an awful mess. A true disaster. He REALLY has his work cut out for him.
I just pray for him and his sweet family and hope for the best, and hope that Obama makes the right choices at the right times.
Barak and Roll baby!!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ann Coulter Must Die
Oh...I REALLY hate Ann (Evil-nasty-hateful-ass-biznitch) Coulter.
WHY is she still HERE...on this EARTH??? She is using up my oxygen, damn it!!!
Typically, I do not like to give "press" to the media-hungry whores like Ann Coulter..I am conviced that half of what they say is for ratings sake...the other half because they were dropped on their heads repetedly as infants.
I could not even BEGIN to list all of the moronic things she has said over the years. Google'll see.
But she was blessedly SILENT for awhile after Obama won. I got used to the "clean air"
But, she is a persistant rash..itchy and annoying.
I don't watch the TV show "The View"...not for any Major reasons...I just don't have the time.
But I DO see clips of the show from time to time.
She was on The View recently...oh..dear..LORD!!!
I cannot even BEGIN to go through the idiotic HATE she spewed...but I was intriged by one particular thing.
She was talking about how she disliked that "Black/Mixed" Actors/Actresses/Musicians would only identify with their "Black" side when they became famous. Oh PLEASE!!!!
I won't even BEGIN to go into how my 17 year old Godson identifies as Black, even though he is very light-skinned ("High -Yellow" is what he tells me..) and could easily pass for White.
Or how my good friend "Medusa" was raised by her White family members, and totally shunned by her (black) father. But also subjected to HORRIBLE racial slurs by her extended "family" , not to mention the bigotry she faces for being a Lesbian.
She identifys as she wrong for doing so???
What caught my attention as the Evil-Moron Ann Coulter spoke (is she just a REALLY ugly transexual ...or what?....sorry...that is an insult to transexuals...they deserve BETTER than her...!!!) is that she mentioned Halle Berry.
Halle Berry ROCKS!!!
In particular, she mentioned how awful it was that Halle Berry thanked her "black mother in her Oscar speech, thereby excluding her white father". Ann-dumb-ass-Coulter's point being that "mixed" performers capitalize on their Black hertiage because it is "cooler"..more "trendy" somehow.
One problem...Halle Berry's mom is WHITE. Her Dad is black.
Halle identified as white as a child, although she was told by her mom that she would be precieved as black by other people, because of her darker skin.
She thanked her Mom because they are close, her Mom supported her, loved her.
Her Dad was....not as "available". ( Oh LORDY , can I ever relate to THAT!!!)
Halle thanked her Mom because she LOVED her, and was actually...THANKFUL!!!!
It wasn't a "Career Move"...not a carefully planned "Race Card".
She actually LOVES HER MOM!!!!
Have I told you I hate Ann Coulter????
I cannot say I have lived the life of my godson, or my friend Medusa, or even Halle Berry...(oh...I WISH!!!)
This was just a tiny, tiny example of how hateful "people" like Ann-Evil-Biznitch-Coulter twist things to make their points.
To sow seeds of vile hatred.
To be cruel.
To be Mean.
I just wish she would stop breathing my air.....
WHY is she still HERE...on this EARTH??? She is using up my oxygen, damn it!!!
Typically, I do not like to give "press" to the media-hungry whores like Ann Coulter..I am conviced that half of what they say is for ratings sake...the other half because they were dropped on their heads repetedly as infants.
I could not even BEGIN to list all of the moronic things she has said over the years. Google'll see.
But she was blessedly SILENT for awhile after Obama won. I got used to the "clean air"
But, she is a persistant rash..itchy and annoying.
I don't watch the TV show "The View"...not for any Major reasons...I just don't have the time.
But I DO see clips of the show from time to time.
She was on The View recently...oh..dear..LORD!!!
I cannot even BEGIN to go through the idiotic HATE she spewed...but I was intriged by one particular thing.
She was talking about how she disliked that "Black/Mixed" Actors/Actresses/Musicians would only identify with their "Black" side when they became famous. Oh PLEASE!!!!
I won't even BEGIN to go into how my 17 year old Godson identifies as Black, even though he is very light-skinned ("High -Yellow" is what he tells me..) and could easily pass for White.
Or how my good friend "Medusa" was raised by her White family members, and totally shunned by her (black) father. But also subjected to HORRIBLE racial slurs by her extended "family" , not to mention the bigotry she faces for being a Lesbian.
She identifys as she wrong for doing so???
What caught my attention as the Evil-Moron Ann Coulter spoke (is she just a REALLY ugly transexual ...or what?....sorry...that is an insult to transexuals...they deserve BETTER than her...!!!) is that she mentioned Halle Berry.
Halle Berry ROCKS!!!
In particular, she mentioned how awful it was that Halle Berry thanked her "black mother in her Oscar speech, thereby excluding her white father". Ann-dumb-ass-Coulter's point being that "mixed" performers capitalize on their Black hertiage because it is "cooler"..more "trendy" somehow.
One problem...Halle Berry's mom is WHITE. Her Dad is black.
Halle identified as white as a child, although she was told by her mom that she would be precieved as black by other people, because of her darker skin.
She thanked her Mom because they are close, her Mom supported her, loved her.
Her Dad was....not as "available". ( Oh LORDY , can I ever relate to THAT!!!)
Halle thanked her Mom because she LOVED her, and was actually...THANKFUL!!!!
It wasn't a "Career Move"...not a carefully planned "Race Card".
She actually LOVES HER MOM!!!!
Have I told you I hate Ann Coulter????
I cannot say I have lived the life of my godson, or my friend Medusa, or even Halle Berry...(oh...I WISH!!!)
This was just a tiny, tiny example of how hateful "people" like Ann-Evil-Biznitch-Coulter twist things to make their points.
To sow seeds of vile hatred.
To be cruel.
To be Mean.
I just wish she would stop breathing my air.....
Ann Coulter,
Halle Berry,
White Race
Thursday, January 15, 2009
HATE is sadly alive and well.....
I usually do not like to "re-post" thing I find on other blogs...but this is just too important. I am also a member/blogger on a VERY cool site called
Despite the name, it is a very open site for anyone, be they a member of the GLBT community or gay-friendly straights like myself.
They have music blogs, animal rescue blogs, political, cooking, Television/Movies blogs and more.
SistersTalk/Genia is the original author of the following post. I am so saddened that this type of hatered continues in our country. And so close to home! Kalamazoo Michigan is NOT that far from where I live....very sad indeed....
Six weeks after passing a gay rights law, the Kalamazoo City Commission has voted to rescind it. The commission voted Dec. 1 to make it a civil offense in the city of 7,200 to discriminate in housing, public accommodations or employment based on sexual orientation or being transgender. The American Family Association of Michigan submitted petitions with about 1,600 signatures seeking the law's repeal. If officials found at least 1,273 signatures valid, the commission would have had to rescind the law or put it on the ballot. The commission voted 7-0 Monday night to rescind it.The AFA's actions in Kalamazoo City are the result of deep-rooted hatred and pure evil. It's extremely disheartening to know that a supposed "Christian" organization that claims to protect families would willingly allow (and encourage!) employment and housing discrimination. This kind of discrimination limits a homosexual's ability to provide food and shelter for his or her family. There's a special place in hell for those kinds of "Christians." Source: WWMT-TV.
Despite the name, it is a very open site for anyone, be they a member of the GLBT community or gay-friendly straights like myself.
They have music blogs, animal rescue blogs, political, cooking, Television/Movies blogs and more.
SistersTalk/Genia is the original author of the following post. I am so saddened that this type of hatered continues in our country. And so close to home! Kalamazoo Michigan is NOT that far from where I live....very sad indeed....
Six weeks after passing a gay rights law, the Kalamazoo City Commission has voted to rescind it. The commission voted Dec. 1 to make it a civil offense in the city of 7,200 to discriminate in housing, public accommodations or employment based on sexual orientation or being transgender. The American Family Association of Michigan submitted petitions with about 1,600 signatures seeking the law's repeal. If officials found at least 1,273 signatures valid, the commission would have had to rescind the law or put it on the ballot. The commission voted 7-0 Monday night to rescind it.The AFA's actions in Kalamazoo City are the result of deep-rooted hatred and pure evil. It's extremely disheartening to know that a supposed "Christian" organization that claims to protect families would willingly allow (and encourage!) employment and housing discrimination. This kind of discrimination limits a homosexual's ability to provide food and shelter for his or her family. There's a special place in hell for those kinds of "Christians." Source: WWMT-TV.
Monday, January 12, 2009
TOO Nice....?
Several of you already know what I'm talking about, but I though I might as well share it with everyone else.
I am TOO NICE...I am told this frequently.
In fact, I have heard this phrase so often in my life that it sometimes doesn't even register.
I have at least TWO long time friends that tell me this on a regular if I might have forgotten.
Now, I am not disputing this claim by any means. Afterall, if that many people tell me that many times that I am TOO NICE....I guess it must be true.
What I don't get, is why is that bad exactly? How am I hurting anyone else by being TOO NICE?
The funniest part is that I am usually told this by friends and/or co-workers/bosses.
And isn't THAT funny...that my BOSSES have often told me I am too nice?
I get the feeling that they want to help me, even "protect" me in some way.
But ironically, if I stopped being they way I was, I most likely wouldn't BE friends with those partcular people ANYWAY. The TOO NICE-NESS is partly what made us such good friends to begin with.
Some of these people are SURROUNDED with individuals who are negative, who critize, who do nothing but try to bring other people down. These friends are BOMBARDED with MEAN every day of their lives...they NEED a little TOO NICE in their lives.
Thats what I's part of why I am here, apparently. To bring a bit of TOO NICE into the lives of people who need it.
Now, when my friends say this (and they often just do it to tease me at this point), I know they are only stating the obvious...and sometimes just pointing out WHY they love me....that's a GOOD THING.
With the co-workers...not sure....seems they just want to see me go off and cuss the boss out and slam a few doors.
Makes for fun TV...not so fun in real life. And who REALLY enjoys working with someone like that anyway?
With the bosses...I'll NEVER figure THAT one out! Because what the BOSS is saying is they want me to be rude/mean/tough/obnoxious.....with someone ELSE....NOT THEM.....!
That's what is so-ooooo funny about it all! In each of those instances, when I have taken the bosses advice and stood up (polietly of course...I'm still ME afterall...) to THEM for some injustice.....they are appalled!!!!
"When did you becaome so...NEGATIVE" of my former bosses once said after I stood up to her shady practices.
Um......didn't I just do what you TOLD me to do not more than a month ago...?
See, that's the thing. ALL of these people who think I am TOO NICE really mean I need to treat other people differently......not THEM.
I know this also from a friend I have know since the Summer of 1980, when we were kids at Church Camp.
I was always TOO NICE...she was always TOO MEAN....funny that we've been friends for so long.
But whenever, over the decades, that I have stood up to HER when she was pushing me around or blowing me off or some other such thing....she was SHOCKED...and NOT happy.
See, people really LOVE it when you are TOO NICE to them.....just not other people.
So here I am...STILL...turning 39 in a couple months....and I am just as TOO NICE as I always was.....
And I think secretly, my friends wouldn't have it ANY other way.
I am TOO NICE...I am told this frequently.
In fact, I have heard this phrase so often in my life that it sometimes doesn't even register.
I have at least TWO long time friends that tell me this on a regular if I might have forgotten.
Now, I am not disputing this claim by any means. Afterall, if that many people tell me that many times that I am TOO NICE....I guess it must be true.
What I don't get, is why is that bad exactly? How am I hurting anyone else by being TOO NICE?
The funniest part is that I am usually told this by friends and/or co-workers/bosses.
And isn't THAT funny...that my BOSSES have often told me I am too nice?
I get the feeling that they want to help me, even "protect" me in some way.
But ironically, if I stopped being they way I was, I most likely wouldn't BE friends with those partcular people ANYWAY. The TOO NICE-NESS is partly what made us such good friends to begin with.
Some of these people are SURROUNDED with individuals who are negative, who critize, who do nothing but try to bring other people down. These friends are BOMBARDED with MEAN every day of their lives...they NEED a little TOO NICE in their lives.
Thats what I's part of why I am here, apparently. To bring a bit of TOO NICE into the lives of people who need it.
Now, when my friends say this (and they often just do it to tease me at this point), I know they are only stating the obvious...and sometimes just pointing out WHY they love me....that's a GOOD THING.
With the co-workers...not sure....seems they just want to see me go off and cuss the boss out and slam a few doors.
Makes for fun TV...not so fun in real life. And who REALLY enjoys working with someone like that anyway?
With the bosses...I'll NEVER figure THAT one out! Because what the BOSS is saying is they want me to be rude/mean/tough/obnoxious.....with someone ELSE....NOT THEM.....!
That's what is so-ooooo funny about it all! In each of those instances, when I have taken the bosses advice and stood up (polietly of course...I'm still ME afterall...) to THEM for some injustice.....they are appalled!!!!
"When did you becaome so...NEGATIVE" of my former bosses once said after I stood up to her shady practices.
Um......didn't I just do what you TOLD me to do not more than a month ago...?
See, that's the thing. ALL of these people who think I am TOO NICE really mean I need to treat other people differently......not THEM.
I know this also from a friend I have know since the Summer of 1980, when we were kids at Church Camp.
I was always TOO NICE...she was always TOO MEAN....funny that we've been friends for so long.
But whenever, over the decades, that I have stood up to HER when she was pushing me around or blowing me off or some other such thing....she was SHOCKED...and NOT happy.
See, people really LOVE it when you are TOO NICE to them.....just not other people.
So here I am...STILL...turning 39 in a couple months....and I am just as TOO NICE as I always was.....
And I think secretly, my friends wouldn't have it ANY other way.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Better day....
Just wanted to check in...all of you know I had a horrible day on Wednesday.
Just wanted to let you all know I am still here, I am feeling some peace.
I love my Obie, I desperately miss my Angelou, and I still am heartbroken by the events of "Jan. 7th, 2008"....but I am okay.
I know I will see my little ferret girl again.
Just wanted you all to know, I am sad...but I will be okay.
Love and Peace to you all....
Just wanted to let you all know I am still here, I am feeling some peace.
I love my Obie, I desperately miss my Angelou, and I still am heartbroken by the events of "Jan. 7th, 2008"....but I am okay.
I know I will see my little ferret girl again.
Just wanted you all to know, I am sad...but I will be okay.
Love and Peace to you all....
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
This is to people who will likely NEVER IN THEIR LIVES visit this site. The following is ONLY an outlet for my grief and anger, thank you, and I LOVE you!!!!!!
I am the world's worst mother. Yes, it's true. I am a horrible, evil, stupid, worthless "person"....I suck.
Today, Jan. 7th, 2009, my sweet, fiesty ferret Angelou died, and it was all my fault.
I desreve to suffer.
I, as most of you know, am a life-long animal lover. Truth be told, I get along with animals and "fringe" groups of people WAY better than most "normal" humans.
I have had ferrets since about 1994. My THEN boyfriend..."J"...(someone I love reading this introduced us...) impulsively brought one home from the Pet Shop where he worked.
I fell in LOVE !!!! We named him SHAKESPER....he was a sweet, gentle ferret.
But ferrets are social creatures, they love to cudle up to other ferrest as they sleep, bounce, play, chatter...basically party, party, PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had an albino named Einstein, a perfect sable (Shakespear), a cinnoman Sable named Milton, a Chocolate Sable named Marlowe, also traditional Sable Angelou and my big, chubby, chunky Shelley-belly.
I have also been pround to be owned by several, cats, dogs and rats over the years..(yes, Rats..they are SMART!! And will dance for CHEESE!!!)
On March 17th, 2008, we adopted a small, dirty ball of puppy-fluff that had been abaondoned on the interstate. He was precious!!!
Later, we discovered (through testing) that he was a Chow/Akita/Terrier mix.
Oh dear....that means he is a BIGTIME hunter...of ferrets.
He is GREAT with people, a big lovemonster!!! Likes cats, loves other dogs...all kinds...but ferrets...? Not so much. Too much like squirrels.
I took great pains to keep Obie away from the ferrets. Most of the time they are in their cage. But they need "Play Time" to stay healthy. Bouncing, chattering, being ferrets.
We have had some close calls...but Today was THE day. Obie was ready.
It happened so fast I barely can remember...but Obie knocked me down and charged upstairs.
I tried to grab his tail. I couldn't hang on. I screamed. Loudly.
As I desperately tried to climb the stairs, I saw it happen. Angelou screamed...(ferrets is a horrible, heartbreaking sound...). I saw Obie pick her up. He shook her....her spine broke...she was gone. Just.Like.That.
Oh dearest Lord in heaven...PLEASE!! I beg of you...give me another chance!!!
Angelou was playing one minute, and in an instant...she was gone.....just like that. NO!!! more chance? But no, it was done.
I deserve to die.
HOW could I let this happen? What a worthless excuse for a parent am I.
Once I pried Obie's jaws open, I knew she was already gone. I held her in my arms. She had that sweet "Corn Chip" smell....her tail was still in "Bottlebrush" mode from the attack. She was gone. Limp, devoid of life. I did it. I am scum.
And it was over, almost before it began 8 7...oh dear GOD I am the worst mother in the world.
She was so sweet, fiesty, LIVELY!!! She talked ALL the time!! She loved milk, climbing pant-legs, tunels.
She survived a fire, and a home where she was NEVER let out of her cage...we adopted her...full of love and HOPE....and we let her die.
I received precious little sympathy...people think it is STUPID to greive so deeply over a ferret.
Several said it was my fault, because I had too many species in one home.
They are right...but they were/are ALL rescue animals.
So who WILL give them a home???? Fine, so Susan cannot do it all.....could SOMEONE freakin' HELP me????
There are animals EVERYWHERE in need...who will save them?
Was it better that Angelou had 1 1/2 years fo happy life than 3 in solitary confinement?
But why couldn't I SAVE her...?
I am the worst person in the world.
Do you know that almost NOBODY offered me any kindness today? One person actually LAUGHed..."OH SUSAN, YOU'RE SO funny"....
I am sorry...did I miss something...? My CHILD died today and you...laugh????
Linda W., you suck.
Dear Lord in Heaven...I had more to write....but I am in dark place right now.
If you pray...PLEASE pray that Angelou forgives me...though I do not deserve it.
Please love your babies while they are here....Peace to you all.....
This is to people who will likely NEVER IN THEIR LIVES visit this site. The following is ONLY an outlet for my grief and anger, thank you, and I LOVE you!!!!!!
I am the world's worst mother. Yes, it's true. I am a horrible, evil, stupid, worthless "person"....I suck.
Today, Jan. 7th, 2009, my sweet, fiesty ferret Angelou died, and it was all my fault.
I desreve to suffer.
I, as most of you know, am a life-long animal lover. Truth be told, I get along with animals and "fringe" groups of people WAY better than most "normal" humans.
I have had ferrets since about 1994. My THEN boyfriend..."J"...(someone I love reading this introduced us...) impulsively brought one home from the Pet Shop where he worked.
I fell in LOVE !!!! We named him SHAKESPER....he was a sweet, gentle ferret.
But ferrets are social creatures, they love to cudle up to other ferrest as they sleep, bounce, play, chatter...basically party, party, PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have had an albino named Einstein, a perfect sable (Shakespear), a cinnoman Sable named Milton, a Chocolate Sable named Marlowe, also traditional Sable Angelou and my big, chubby, chunky Shelley-belly.
I have also been pround to be owned by several, cats, dogs and rats over the years..(yes, Rats..they are SMART!! And will dance for CHEESE!!!)
On March 17th, 2008, we adopted a small, dirty ball of puppy-fluff that had been abaondoned on the interstate. He was precious!!!
Later, we discovered (through testing) that he was a Chow/Akita/Terrier mix.
Oh dear....that means he is a BIGTIME hunter...of ferrets.
He is GREAT with people, a big lovemonster!!! Likes cats, loves other dogs...all kinds...but ferrets...? Not so much. Too much like squirrels.
I took great pains to keep Obie away from the ferrets. Most of the time they are in their cage. But they need "Play Time" to stay healthy. Bouncing, chattering, being ferrets.
We have had some close calls...but Today was THE day. Obie was ready.
It happened so fast I barely can remember...but Obie knocked me down and charged upstairs.
I tried to grab his tail. I couldn't hang on. I screamed. Loudly.
As I desperately tried to climb the stairs, I saw it happen. Angelou screamed...(ferrets is a horrible, heartbreaking sound...). I saw Obie pick her up. He shook her....her spine broke...she was gone. Just.Like.That.
Oh dearest Lord in heaven...PLEASE!! I beg of you...give me another chance!!!
Angelou was playing one minute, and in an instant...she was gone.....just like that. NO!!! more chance? But no, it was done.
I deserve to die.
HOW could I let this happen? What a worthless excuse for a parent am I.
Once I pried Obie's jaws open, I knew she was already gone. I held her in my arms. She had that sweet "Corn Chip" smell....her tail was still in "Bottlebrush" mode from the attack. She was gone. Limp, devoid of life. I did it. I am scum.
And it was over, almost before it began 8 7...oh dear GOD I am the worst mother in the world.
She was so sweet, fiesty, LIVELY!!! She talked ALL the time!! She loved milk, climbing pant-legs, tunels.
She survived a fire, and a home where she was NEVER let out of her cage...we adopted her...full of love and HOPE....and we let her die.
I received precious little sympathy...people think it is STUPID to greive so deeply over a ferret.
Several said it was my fault, because I had too many species in one home.
They are right...but they were/are ALL rescue animals.
So who WILL give them a home???? Fine, so Susan cannot do it all.....could SOMEONE freakin' HELP me????
There are animals EVERYWHERE in need...who will save them?
Was it better that Angelou had 1 1/2 years fo happy life than 3 in solitary confinement?
But why couldn't I SAVE her...?
I am the worst person in the world.
Do you know that almost NOBODY offered me any kindness today? One person actually LAUGHed..."OH SUSAN, YOU'RE SO funny"....
I am sorry...did I miss something...? My CHILD died today and you...laugh????
Linda W., you suck.
Dear Lord in Heaven...I had more to write....but I am in dark place right now.
If you pray...PLEASE pray that Angelou forgives me...though I do not deserve it.
Please love your babies while they are here....Peace to you all.....
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Stuff I don't normally blog about....
Celebrities.....they get WAY to much press as it is.
But sometimes, they do something so-oooo stupid/funny/pathetic...I HAVE to comment on them:
Brett Favre: OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!! Just freakin' RETIRE already!!!!!!!!!!!! DUDE!!!! You are becoming a total JOKE!!!! How many times can one person "retire" anyway? Who do you think you are...Cher/Tina Turner with their 25th Annual Good-Bye Tour????
(For the record...I LOVE Cher and Tina....I'm just sayin' it took them a looonnnnngggg time to "retire" with their farwell tours...).
And Brett, dude, seriously. Take the money and RUN! Retire! Vacation! Buy your wife something nice! Clean the house ! I dunno...ANYTHING you freakin' WANT to do!! Do you know how many people would LOVE to retire before 40?????
BTW - Brett Favre is...YOUNGER...than me....
Charles Barkley: FUNNY commercials!!! Hilarious!!! Getting caught speeding and giving the excuse of an impending "blow-job" as the EXCUSE for speeding...? PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!
Danica Patrick: Race car driver caught speeding....again.....DUH!!!!!!! IT'S HER JOB!!!!!!!
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt getting freaky when he was married to Jen: No Sh#t. Duh.
But shows that no matter HOW many kids she adopts, she is a nasty biznitch. Jen, girl, you had it, you moved on, you can do Johnny Depp busy??????
Madonna: Another divorce..."Oh, we are just friends".....girl...WHATEVER!! You are MADONNA!!!! Tell them, "Yeah, I hit it, so what?"...She's not the "Material Girl" for NOTHING!
Oh...and if Angelina/Madonna are looking for a new child to adopt....I'm available!
I can do light house work too! :)
On my husband's Political Talk Shows, they are ALREADY talking about WHO will run against Obama in 4 years.......REALLY???? Seriously????? Can't we just have ONE.FREAKIN'. YEAR without political campaigns?!?!?!?!??!?! PLEASE!?!?!??!?!?!
Barak Obama....please, please, PLEASE don't let me/us down. We are counting on you! I know you are only human, a politician, a man (NOT a good combo...HA!). I know you have butts to kiss and pandering and groups to appease, ect. Oh, but we are in an AWFUL mess,Barak. Do you want your girls to inherit this nonsense? your best. TRY to help us all...the "real" people out here in the sticks. We need it. We voted for you. we had faith.
PLEASE don't let us down.
Good luck everyone! Love you all! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

But sometimes, they do something so-oooo stupid/funny/pathetic...I HAVE to comment on them:
Brett Favre: OH FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!! Just freakin' RETIRE already!!!!!!!!!!!! DUDE!!!! You are becoming a total JOKE!!!! How many times can one person "retire" anyway? Who do you think you are...Cher/Tina Turner with their 25th Annual Good-Bye Tour????
(For the record...I LOVE Cher and Tina....I'm just sayin' it took them a looonnnnngggg time to "retire" with their farwell tours...).
And Brett, dude, seriously. Take the money and RUN! Retire! Vacation! Buy your wife something nice! Clean the house ! I dunno...ANYTHING you freakin' WANT to do!! Do you know how many people would LOVE to retire before 40?????
BTW - Brett Favre is...YOUNGER...than me....
Charles Barkley: FUNNY commercials!!! Hilarious!!! Getting caught speeding and giving the excuse of an impending "blow-job" as the EXCUSE for speeding...? PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!
Danica Patrick: Race car driver caught speeding....again.....DUH!!!!!!! IT'S HER JOB!!!!!!!
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt getting freaky when he was married to Jen: No Sh#t. Duh.
But shows that no matter HOW many kids she adopts, she is a nasty biznitch. Jen, girl, you had it, you moved on, you can do Johnny Depp busy??????
Madonna: Another divorce..."Oh, we are just friends".....girl...WHATEVER!! You are MADONNA!!!! Tell them, "Yeah, I hit it, so what?"...She's not the "Material Girl" for NOTHING!
Oh...and if Angelina/Madonna are looking for a new child to adopt....I'm available!
I can do light house work too! :)
On my husband's Political Talk Shows, they are ALREADY talking about WHO will run against Obama in 4 years.......REALLY???? Seriously????? Can't we just have ONE.FREAKIN'. YEAR without political campaigns?!?!?!?!??!?! PLEASE!?!?!??!?!?!
Barak Obama....please, please, PLEASE don't let me/us down. We are counting on you! I know you are only human, a politician, a man (NOT a good combo...HA!). I know you have butts to kiss and pandering and groups to appease, ect. Oh, but we are in an AWFUL mess,Barak. Do you want your girls to inherit this nonsense? your best. TRY to help us all...the "real" people out here in the sticks. We need it. We voted for you. we had faith.
PLEASE don't let us down.
Good luck everyone! Love you all! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Angelina Jolie,
Brad Pitt,
Brett Farve,
Charles Barkley,
Danica Patrick,
Tina Turner
Every year a list of overused words and "catch-phrases" is released. Things that should be banned from the English language.
This year, I think maverick, Wall street to Main Street, and thrown under the bus were all mentioned.
Sounds okay with me.
But the one that surprised me was......monkey .....wait a minute! Did I miss something?? WHO has been overusing the word MONKEY
MONKEY is one of my favorite words! It's fun! You can use it as a curse word! (Monkey butts!! for example). Everyone loves monkeys....right?
I can't give up my favorite word just because of a stupid list, can I?
Besides, "giraffe" or "antelope" just doesn't have the same ring to it....
This year, I think maverick, Wall street to Main Street, and thrown under the bus were all mentioned.
Sounds okay with me.
But the one that surprised me was......monkey .....wait a minute! Did I miss something?? WHO has been overusing the word MONKEY
MONKEY is one of my favorite words! It's fun! You can use it as a curse word! (Monkey butts!! for example). Everyone loves monkeys....right?
I can't give up my favorite word just because of a stupid list, can I?
Besides, "giraffe" or "antelope" just doesn't have the same ring to it....
YES!!!!!! It is OVER!!!!
Whew! We did it! We FINALLY are done with 2008!! ...sigh.....
I figured it out, years that end with "8" are NOT good.
1978 - HORRIBLE year!! 4th grade. EVIL teacher, SATAN SPAWN classmates, picked on EVERY SINGLE DAY!
1988- Junior year of High School. Lots of friends, school okay. Family stuff cool.
But I began my decent into anorexia. Eventually got to 90lbs. (at 5'8' !). Ewww.
1998-My mom passed away from CML luekiemia. Worst.Year.Ever.
2008-My 2 precious dalmations, Molly and Othello (My baby boy) died. Sweet Milton the ferret died. Lost my job because of CHUPACABRA, bad financial problems. Turmoil. I'll leave the country?
Happy New Year sweethearts! 2009 has GOT to be better!!!!
I figured it out, years that end with "8" are NOT good.
1978 - HORRIBLE year!! 4th grade. EVIL teacher, SATAN SPAWN classmates, picked on EVERY SINGLE DAY!
1988- Junior year of High School. Lots of friends, school okay. Family stuff cool.
But I began my decent into anorexia. Eventually got to 90lbs. (at 5'8' !). Ewww.
1998-My mom passed away from CML luekiemia. Worst.Year.Ever.
2008-My 2 precious dalmations, Molly and Othello (My baby boy) died. Sweet Milton the ferret died. Lost my job because of CHUPACABRA, bad financial problems. Turmoil. I'll leave the country?
Happy New Year sweethearts! 2009 has GOT to be better!!!!
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